[INVITATION]The Consultative meeting with PEZA and ecozone locators on Jan. 31 for focusing on booster doses
Notice from the National Vaccinations Operations Center (NVOC)
We are from the National Vaccinations Operations Center (NVOC), under the National Task Force (NTF) against Covid 19. As of this time, we have fully vaccinated ~60M individuals in the Philippines. However, our administration for booster doses is only a fraction of the 2nd doses administered. To ramp up our booster doses administration, our government is working on national vaccination day (NVD) 3 focusing on booster doses by companies and ecozones locators. The plan will allow companies to administer booster doses using its own/privately hired nurses or doctors in work sites. While the government will provide vaccines (for free) and other support needed. We will conduct NVD 3 on Feb. 10-12 this year.
We will conduct a consultative meeting with PEZA and ecozone locators on Jan. 31, at 1 pm. The meeting will be a virtual session.
May we request the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Philippines to invite its members who are locators in ecozone, particularly ecozones in Cavite, Batangas, and Laguna.
For more info, kindly check the attached file. Your institution may contact us in case you have queries.
Register in advance for this meeting: