JFC & JCCIPI Letters/Official Statements
Date | Subject | Document |
5/3/2023 | JFC letter to Senate ICT Committee Chair Alan Peter Cayetano on House Bill 7327 or the e-Governance Bill JFC letter which provides feedback and recommendations on House Bill 7327 or an Act Institutionalizing the Transition of the Government to e-Governance in the Digital Age, Creating for the Purpose the Philippines Infostructure Management Corporation and Appropriating Funds Thereof. |
5/16/2023 | JFC Supplemental letter to Senate Science and Technology Chair Alan Peter Cayetano on the Open Access in Data Transmission Act The letter expresses support for the Open Access and Data Transmission Act, in particular House Bill No. 6 proposing for An Act Promoting Open Access in Data Transmission and Providing Additional Powers to the National Telecommunications Commission. |
9/12/2023 | JFC and IBPAP letter to HWMC Chairperson Joey Salceda on the House Bill No. 8968 or the “CREATE MORE Act” The letter expresses support for the bill on particular provisions. Also included in the letter are additional recommendations that will further improve the bill. |
10/2023 | Joint Position Paper on Cross-Border Data Flow and Data Localization The letter expresses the private sector’s concern and strong opposition if there is a draft Executive Order proposing a data localization mandate in the Philippines. |
11/28/2023 | JFC letter to Chairperson Romeo Acop for Technical Working Group on CAAP House Bills The letter thanks the Committee for inviting the JFC to participate in the technical working group (TWG) on November 29 and signifies our support for the recommendations reflected in HB 7438. |
12/4/2023 | JFC letter to Chairperson Jonathan Keith Flores The letter requests to conduct a public hearing on House Bills 1801, 7638, and 7836 for the creation of the Philippine Transportation Safety Board (PTSB). |
2/12/2024 | JFC Statement to the Senate Subcommittee on Resolution of Both Houses No. 6 The letter expresses support to easing of restrictions of foreign direct investment (FDI). |
2/26/2024 | JFC Statement for the Hearing of the House Committee of the Whole on Resolution of Both Houses (RBH) No. 7 The letter expresses support to the easing of restrictions of foreign direct investment (FDI). |